Coronavirus information
This page will be used to inform residents of information coming out from Somerset Council on management of the coronovirus epidemic:
Joint authority information
One number poster for all Somerset's Local Authorities - Coronavirus Helpline
Somerset County Council
The latest Somerset County Council information can be found on this website
Previous briefings
Trading Standards warnings against Covid-19 scams
Somerset County Council Briefing 27th March 2020
Somerset County Council Briefing 21st March 2020
Mendip District Council
Covid Business Bulletin 06.01.21
Issue 12 MDC Briefing 26.10.20
Issue 11 MDC Briefing 14.09.20
Issue 10 MDC Briefing 03.08.20
Age UK
Friendly phone call service for Somerset
Keeping yourself safe online during Coronavirus outbreak
The information pack below of three documents, contains advice about ransomware, phishing, working from home and online fraud. These are the most prevalent attacks that the UK police forces are seeing right now due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. These documents have been produced by Kristian Evans, Cyber Protect Officer with Avon and Somerset Police.