25 July 2024Bristol Airport - Your Airport News

Bristol Airport - Your Airport News

“I would like to welcome you to our latest edition of Your Airport News. As we now enter our busiest part of the year, we are delighted to see our operational teams, including security and check-in, coping well with the high passenger numbers. We have recently announced that Bristol Airport has welcomed 10 million passengers (in a consecutive twelve-month period) travelling through the terminal for the first time in its history.
We have recently invested £11.5 million in next generation security scanners, enabling all customers travelling through security the ability to keep mobile phones, laptops and liquids in their hand luggage. The construction of our new public transportation hub and additional multi-storey car parking including a new Drop Off and Pick Up area has been going well and is on target for completion by Summer 2025. The public transport interchange hub will accommodate 16 coaches and will enable improved public transport links to the airport from across the region.
From myself and all the teams here at Bristol Airport, we hope you have a great Summer and we look forward to seeing some of you throughout the rest of this year.” – Dave Lees,
CEO, Bristol Airport

T Level Learners Involved with Major Bristol Airport Project
Griffiths Farrans JV has created two T Level placement positions at the Multi-Storey Car Park and Public Transport Interchange project at Bristol Airport, as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting the next generation of talent in construction and civil engineering.
Ned and Kimberly joined the team in April while studying T-Level Construction. T Levels are a new qualification for students aged 16 to 19 in England who have finished their GCSEs.
Griffiths Farrans JV placements students will play a hands-on role in delivering a significantly enlarged public transport interchange at Bristol Airport with an improved internal road system and an additional multi-storey car park providing customer enhancements such as waiting rooms and rest facilities.

The New Local Community Fund
Bristol Airport has launched its new Local Community Fund to support projects and community groups in the local area that are most affected by the Airport’s operations. The Airport Environmental and Amenity Improvement Fund (known as the Bristol Airport Local Community Fund 2024) was set up as one of the commitments the Airport agreed to provide in connection with its planning permission for development over the next decade.
Each year, Bristol Airport will contribute £100,000 to the Bristol Airport Local Community Fund 2024. The Fund’s
Management Committee includes representatives from both the Airport, North Somerset Council and is independently chaired. Community projects that would benefit include those that will improve and protect the natural environment, noise mitigation for non-residential buildings and traffic implications associated with passengers using the Airport. Any community ventures that fit the criteria are encouraged to apply for the next wave of grants in September and December.
To find out more information on the new Local Community Fund, please visit the Airport’s website.

25 July 2024Temporary Road Closures

None to Report. 



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